Dear couples, We provide wedding photography & wedding videography service in London and other cities in the UK. Please feel free to take a look at our Facebook page and website: Look forward to further discussing your needs. Thank you
Friday, 20 August 2021
Intimate Wedding Photography and Videography in Tudor Barn 穀倉場地小型婚禮攝影
Jasmine and Benson Wedding Highlight Video

Engagement Photo and Video Shoot Day in Brighton, England
Engagement photography and engagement videography service for a lovely British couple on a beautiful and sunshine day in Brighton, South England.
We have also done their engagement photo album book.
Feel free to check their photos and video film on our Facebook page, website and Vimeo page.
We wish them a happy married life ever after.
Thank you
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Thursday, 5 August 2021
Wedding on a Sunshine Day in Central London, England
We have provided wedding photography and videography service to a friendly Italian bride and groom in central London.
Their wedding ceremony was held in St.Peters Italian Church, Holborn and their wedding banquet was held in Amba Hotel Charing Cross.
The bridesmaids kept crying in happy tears. Every little details add warmth and personality to this special wedding for Saily and Alessandro!
After the banquet, we went to Trafalgar Square not far from the hotel for taking couple portraits as well as some intimate shots for the video film. Their love shines thought the photos and video clips, so pretty and romantic.
Feel free to take a look at their more photos and video on our Facebook & Vimeo pages and on our website.
Thank you
#StPetersItalianChurch #Holborn #AmbaHotelCharingCross #londonweddings #londonweddingphotographer #londonweddingvideographer #londonweddingphotography #londonweddingvideography #weddingphotographer #weddingvideographer #weddingphotography #weddingvideography #prewedding2021 #preweddingphotographer #prewedding2022 #2022wedding #londonengagementphotographer #bridetobe2022 #londonengagementvideographer #bridetobe2021 #gettingmarriedlondon #gettingmarriedinlondon #churchweddingceremony #brides2022 #bride2022 #bride2021 #2022bride #2021bride #2021brides #2022brides #brides2021 #2021bridetobe #engagementringideas