Thursday, 27 January 2022

Instant edit for Northbrook Park Elegant Wedding | Northbrook Park優雅婚禮次日快速剪接預告片

We have provided wedding videography service for a sweet British Hong Kong couple in Farnham, Surrey, England.

No matter what clients required from us, whether it is just single type of service or multiple services including bridal hair and makeup, photography and videography, we give our very best. As a result, we have got very good review from them and they were very happy with our next day video teaser.

They have done a white western style wedding ceremony in Northbrook Park Wedding Venue, and they have also done Chinese tea ceremony and door games with their bridesmaids and groomsmen. It was full of fun and joy. After the door games, the groom saw his beautiful charming wife in the bridal suite, where they kissed sweetly first time on the day.

8 out of 10 couples (including the grooms) cried this year when they give speech, because of all the time waiting for the restriction lifted, the family members and friends who are no longer with them and family and friends' supports in the past year in the lockdown. May their wedding be a blessing to the people who witness it.

We are happy to see couples are getting married in the way they want finally. We are a lot busier than before, but it worths the effort.

We wish them all the best and have a happy married life them ever-after.

Feel free to take a look at their teaser, highlight & feature videos on our Facebook page, our website and on our Youtube & Vimeo channel.

Thank you



他們在Northbrook Park婚禮場地舉辦了一場白色的西式婚禮,還與伴娘和伴郎進行了中式茶禮和玩新郎。充滿了樂趣和喜悅。玩新郎結束後,新郎在新娘套房裡看到了他美麗迷人的妻子,他們在那裡第一次甜蜜地親吻。





請隨時在我們的 Facebook 頁面、我們的網站以及我們的 Youtube 和 Vimeo 頻道上查看他們的影片。






#BritishHongKongcouple #Farnham #Surrey #BritishHongKong #BritishHongKongbride #ChineseinLondon #Chineseinuk #ccil #Britishchinese #BritishHongkonger #chinesechurchinLondon

#hongkongweddingvideographer #NorthbrookParkWeddingVenue #NorthbrookParkWedding #NorthbrookParkWedding #chinesedoorgames #chinesedoorgame
















































Friday, 21 January 2022

Baby Shower Photography Service to a Friendly British Indian Couple in Harrow, North West London

We have provided baby shower event photography service to a nice British Indian couple in Harrow, London.

This lovely wife's and husband's baby adventure story is so touching. They have told us that they have been waiting this their coming angel for more than 7 years and finally their first baby will come in 2 months.

So, the husband has decided to give a special high-tea event as a gift to his wife. It was a wonderful gathering for their immediate family members and some close friends at their home back garden.

We have took very nice photos during their tea time, the funny games they played and their cake cutting celebration. 

We wish them have happy married life forever and all the best with the child who is about to experience the love from this lovely parents!

Thank you

#Harrow #Harrowweddingvenue #Harrowweddingphotographer #Harrowindians #Harrowweddingvideographer #Harrowindianweddingphotographer #Harrowindianweddingphotography #Harrowindianweddingvideography #Harrowindianweddingvideographer  #babyshowerphoto #eventphotography #babyshowerphotoshoot #babyshowerphotographer #babyshowerphotography #Londonbabyshowerphoto #londonweddings #pregnancyphotoshoot #familyphotoshoot #newbornbabyphotographer #londonweddingphotographer #londonweddingvideographer #weddingvideographer #londonindianweddings #indianbridaldress #indianbridesmaids #Londonindianweddingphotography #Londonindianweddingvideography #hennatattoo #Londonbabyphotographer #britishindian #britishasian #gettingmarriedlondon #britishbornindian #hennaengagement #indianbridesmaidsdress #indianweddingdress #Londonweddingphotographer #indianbride2022 #asianbrides2022 #indianbridetobe2022

Monday, 10 January 2022

Traditional Engagement Ceremony and White Western Style Wedding for Lovely British Nigerian Bride and Groom in Wirral, Merseyside, North West England

We have provided wedding photography, videography and live stream service for a very friendly, intelligent British Nigerian couple with four team members in Wirral, Merseyside, North West England.

This wedding is a two-day event, starting from traditional engagement Nigerian ceremony to second day with church ceremony and white western style banquet.

We have spent with this lovely couple memorable moments, including dances, live music performance, speeches over these two days with all family members and 400 guests wearing traditional colourful clothes.

We are honoured to live stream their wedding celebrations to their oversea friends and relatives. Because of corona covid virus restriction, some of their friends and family members couldn't attend their wedding in the UK. We did our best to capture the best shoots and clips.

The couple's story is very interesting and touching. They have known each other for more than 15 years. They both value each other a lot. Throughout these years, they supported each other in their studies - they both did well in academic.

8 out of 10 couples (including the grooms) cried this year when they give speech, because of all the time waiting for the restriction lifted, the family members and friends who are no longer with them and family and friends' supports in the past year in the lock-down. May their wedding be a blessing to the people who witness it.

Their traditional Nigerian engagement first day ceremony and second day white wedding were held in Hulme Hall in Port Sunlight, on the Wirral Peninsula in Merseyside and their very meaningful, beautiful church ceremony was held in Gateway Church Wirral, Birkenhead, Merseyside, North West England.

We are happy to see couples are getting married in the way they want finally. We are a lot busier than before, but it worth the effort.

We wish them all the best and have a happy married life them ever-after.

Feel free to take a look at their photos, highlight & feature videos and live stream clips on our Facebook page, our website and on our Youtube & Vimeo channel.

Thank you

#traditionalengagementNigerianceremony #traditionalengagement #Nigerianceremony #churchweddingceremony #whitewesternstylebanquet #traditionalNigerianengagement #Nigerianengagement #HulmeHall #PortSunlight #WirralPeninsula #GatewayChurchWirral, #Birkenhead #HulmeHallWeddingVenueWirral #HulmeHallWeddingVenue #Nigerianbride #bridesmaidsdress #weddingdress #shesaidyestothedress #shesaidyes #gettingmarriedlondon #Nigeriansinuk #englishbridetobe #britishbride #bride2022 #brides2022 #bridetobe2022 #2022bridetobe #justengaged #Ijustengageduk #gettingmarriedlondon #imgettingmarriedUK #englishwedding #weddingdecorationideas #Londonweddingphotographer #Londonweddingvideographer #Londonweddingphotography #gettingmarried2022 #iamgettingmarried #2022bride #2022brides #BritishNigerian #londonweddings #bridaldress #NigeriansinLondon #AsoOke #Ipele  #Buba  #Gele  #saree #lehenga #BridalAsoOke #weddingAsoOke #AsoOkeLondon #Ipelewedding  #Bubawedding  #Gelewedding #sareewedding #lehengawedding #IpeleLondon  #BubaLondon #GeleLondon  #sareeLondon #lehengaLondon #Wirral #Merseyside #NorthWestEngland

Saturday, 8 January 2022

Elegant Gunnersbury Park Wedding 優雅的岡納斯伯里公園博物館婚禮

Elegant Gunnersbury Park Wedding 優雅的岡納斯伯里公園博物館婚禮:

We have provided wedding photography service for a lovely Hong Kong bride and groom on their very happy day during the pandemic days in Gunnersbury Park in Acton, West London and Hong Kong City Chinese restaurant in New Cross, East London.

We have met this friendly couple a long time ago, roughly around 3 and half years. Like a lot of our other clients who have postponed their weddings, this couple has also postponed their wedding for a year.

The wedding has two parts - A white wedding and Chinese traditional banquet with tea ceremony, giving respect to parents and elder relatives, getting their blessings, gifts, golds and red packets. And of course, the highlight of the banquet is toasting. The couple accompanied by relatives, go around the tables to receive blessings and cheers.

On the day, we went to brides and bridesmaids getting ready location in London Brentford Hotel-Premier Inn for their beautiful bridal getting ready photos. After that, we drove to the fascinating Gunnersbury Park Museum in Acton, West London for their ceremony, confetti, speeches, group and couple portrait photo shoot. Then, we went all the way Eastern side of London, took photos in the banquet held in Hong Kong City restaurant in New Cross.


We wish them a happy married life forever. Hope that we can meet them up to take their lovely pregnancy and newborn baby photos in the future.

Feel free to take a look at our Facebook page, Vimeo page and our website to see their more photos.

Thank you




當天,我們前往倫敦Brentford Hotel-Premier Inn為新娘和伴娘妝扮地點為他們拍下準備照片。之後,我們前往位於西倫敦阿克頓迷人的岡納斯伯里公園博物館,參加他們的婚禮儀式、演詞、團體和新人肖像照片拍攝。然後,我們去到倫敦東邊,在新十字的香港城餐廳舉辦的宴會上拍照留念。



請隨時查看我們的 Facebook 頁面、Vimeo 頁面和我們的網站,以查看他們的更多照片。


#GunnersburyPark #Acton #HongKongCity ##HongKongCityrestaurant #HongKongCityChineserestaurant #NewCross #Chinesetraditionalbanquet #LondonBrentfordHotelPremierInn 
#londonweddingphotographer #londonweddingvideographer
#londonweddingphotography #londonweddingvideography
#weddingphotographer #weddingvideographer
#weddingphotography #weddingvideography
#londonengagementvideographer #londonengagementvideography
#londonengagementphotographer #engagementphotography 
#londonengagementphotography #engagementphotograper
#Londonweddingvenue #2022bride #2022brides #bride2022 #brides2022 #bridetobe2022 #2022bridetobe #iamgettingmarried2022 #gettingmarried2022 
#Chineseweddingbanquet #chineseinuk #chineseinlondon #britishchinese #britishbornchinese #britishbornhongkong #britishbornhongkonger #chinesechurchinlondon #chinesechurchinuk #hongkongchurch

Outdoor Wedding in Harrogate 哈羅蓋特戶外婚禮

Outdoor Wedding in Harrogate 哈羅蓋特戶外婚禮:

It was one of the hottest and sunniest day in the UK. We have provided wedding photography and videography service to this warm, loving Hong Kong bride and groom in Leeds.

It was an outdoor wedding at the bandstand with almost seamless greenery in the background. Sunlight made all the different with the look of the photos and videos. It made them look fresh and bright. We love how these came out refreshing with modern look.

After the wedding ceremony, traditional tea ceremony gave respect elder parents done, we moved into indoor banquet place were we can see the lovely DIY wedding cake and colourful desserts. These delicious delicacies were actually done by the bride's sister who is opening a pastry shop! In fact, the groom and bride are both from Chinese food industry. Their parents own Chinese take aways for decades. And now, these family businesses are passed to their children - the groom and bride to look after.

The banquet is held in Western style. Probably it is because the groom and bride know the standard of their parents regarding Chinese food and also want them to enjoy something different. We were very happy, because we get to taste all the desserts after wedding banquet finished. 


Their wedding ceremony and wedding banquet were held at Pavilions of Harrogate, Great Yorkshire.

We wish them a happy married life forever. Hope that we can meet them again to take their lovely pregnancy and newborn baby photos in the future.

Feel free to take a look at our Facebook page, Vimeo page and our website to see their more photos.

Thank you






請隨時查看我們的 Facebook 頁面、Vimeo 頁面和我們的網站,以查看他們的更多照片。


#HongKongbride #HongKongbridegroom 
#Chinesefoodindustry #Chinesetakeaway
#PavilionsofHarrogate #GreatYorkshire #婚紗照 #婚紗 
#新娘彩妝 #婚禮相簿書 #科莫湖婚紗照
#伴娘 #chineseweddingteaset
#bigdayphotographyhk #londonweddingphotographer #londonweddingvideographer
#londonweddingphotography #londonweddingvideography
#weddingphotographer #weddingvideographer
#weddingphotography #weddingvideography
#londonengagementvideographer #londonengagementvideography
#londonengagementphotographer #engagementphotography 
#londonengagementphotography #engagementphotograper
#Londonweddingvenue #2022bride #2022brides #bride2022 #brides2022 #bridetobe2022 #2022bridetobe #iamgettingmarried2022 #gettingmarried2022 
#chineseinuk #chineseinlondon #britishchinese #britishbornchinese #britishbornhongkong #britishbornhongkonger 
#chinesechurchinlondon #chinesechurchinuk #hongkongchurch 

The Wedding of Two Intellectuals

The Wedding of Two Intellectuals:

We have provided wedding photography, videography and live stream service for a very friendly, intelligent British Nigerian couple with four team members in Wirral, Merseyside, North West England.

This wedding is a two-day event, starting from traditional engagement Nigerian ceremony to second day with church ceremony and white western style banquet.

We have spent with this lovely couple memorable moments, including dances, live music performance, speeches over these two days with all family members and 400 guests wearing traditional colourful clothes.

We are honoured to live stream their wedding celebrations to their oversea friends and relatives. Because of corona covid virus restriction, some of their friends and family members couldn't attend their wedding in the UK. We did our best to capture the best shoots and clips.

The couple's story is very interesting and touching. They have known each other for more than 15 years. They both value each other a lot. Throughout these years, they supported each other in their studies - they both did well in academic.

8 out of 10 couples (including the grooms) cried this year when they give speech, because of all the time waiting for the restriction lifted, the family members and friends who are no longer with them and family and friends' supports in the past year in the lock-down. May their wedding be a blessing to the people who witness it.

Their traditional Nigerian engagement first day ceremony and second day white wedding were held in Hulme Hall in Port Sunlight, on the Wirral Peninsula in Merseyside and their very meaningful, beautiful church ceremony was held in Gateway Church Wirral, Birkenhead, Merseyside, North West England.

We are happy to see couples are getting married in the way they want finally. We are a lot busier than before, but it worth the effort.
We wish them all the best and have a happy married life them ever-after.

Feel free to take a look at their photos, highlight & feature videos and live stream clips on our Facebook page, our website and on our Youtube & Vimeo channel.

Thank you

#traditionalengagementNigerianceremony #traditionalengagement #Nigerianceremony #churchweddingceremony #whitewesternstylebanquet 
#traditionalNigerianengagement #Nigerianengagement 
#HulmeHall #PortSunlight #WirralPeninsula #GatewayChurchWirral, #Birkenhead #HulmeHallWeddingVenueWirral #HulmeHallWeddingVenue
#Nigerianbride #bridesmaidsdress #weddingdress #shesaidyestothedress #shesaidyes #gettingmarriedlondon #Nigeriansinuk #englishbridetobe #britishbride #bride2022 #brides2022 #bridetobe2022 #2022bridetobe #justengaged #Ijustengageduk #gettingmarriedlondon #imgettingmarriedUK #englishwedding #weddingdecorationideas #Londonweddingphotographer #Londonweddingvideographer #Londonweddingphotography #gettingmarried2022 #iamgettingmarried #2022bride #2022brides #BritishNigerian #londonweddings #bridaldress #NigeriansinLondon #AsoOke #Ipele  #Buba  #Gele  #saree #lehenga #BridalAsoOke #weddingAsoOke #AsoOkeLondon #Ipelewedding  #Bubawedding  #Gelewedding #sareewedding #lehengawedding #IpeleLondon  #BubaLondon #GeleLondon  #sareeLondon #lehengaLondon
#Wirral #Merseyside #NorthWestEngland

Marriage and Life Purpose

Marriage and Life Purpose:

We have provided wedding photography and videography service for this sweet British Nigerian bride and groom on their very happy day with their friendly bridal party and groomsmen, family and friends. 

The couple decided there is no better time to plan a wedding, although the pandemic is still affecting the world. Perhaps love pulls us closer in difficult time. The wedding was held in Archway, North London.

We first met them around 3 years ago and did their fun, casual engagement photo and video shoot in Springfield Park in North-East London. Feel free to take a look at their interview on how their story started first time with us and how they had met each other, how they fell in love and why their love grows stronger everyday. Religion plays a big part in their lives. God have pulled them closer with shared purpose and passion:

Same as our all previous Nigerian traditional weddings which we have done so many times, this wedding was so fun with energetic bridesmaids, groomsmen and all friendly guests.

After their emotional church ceremony, we went to their banquet venue. The beautiful bride has planned a surprise dance for her husband with her sexy and pretty bridesmaids, after the "wedding essentials" - cake cutting, first dance, speeches and all traditional entrance dance. The couple has also planned 2 games during the banquet to get all their guests engaged.

The couple's church ceremony was held in Worship Tabernacle, The Citadel, Archway and their banquet was held in Regency Banqueting Suite, Bruce Grove, Tottenham, North London.

We wish them a happy married life forever. Hope that we can meet them up to take their lovely pregnancy and newborn baby photos in the future.

Feel free to take a look at our Facebook page, Vimeo page and our website to see their more photos.

Thank you

#WorshipTabernacle #TheCitadel #Archway #WorshipTabernacleTheCitadel
#RegencyBanquetingSuite #BruceGrove #Tottenham #londonweddingphotographer #londonweddingvideographer
#londonweddingphotography #londonweddingvideography
#weddingphotographer #weddingvideographer
#weddingphotography #weddingvideography 
#Nigeriantraditionalweddings #Nigeriantraditionalwedding
#londonengagementvideographer #londonengagementvideography
#londonengagementphotographer #engagementphotography 
#londonengagementphotography #engagementphotograper
#Londonweddingvenue #nigerianweddingphotographer #londonafricanwedding #BritishNigerian #Nigeriansinuk #BritishNigerianbride #Nigerianbride #Nigeriansinlondon #londonnigerianweddingphotographer #nigerianweddingvideographer #londonweddingreception #londonweddingceremony #iamgettingmarried2022 #gettingmarried2022 #londoncaribbeanweddingphotographer #Peckham #2022bride #2022brides #londonweddings #bride2022 #brides2022 #bridetobe2022 #2022bridetobe 
#AsoOke #Ipele  #Buba  #Gele  #saree #lehenga #BridalAsoOke #weddingAsoOke #AsoOkeLondon #Ipelewedding  #Bubawedding  #Gelewedding #sareewedding #lehengawedding #IpeleLondon  #BubaLondon #GeleLondon  #sareeLondon #lehengaLondon

Artistic Editing Service for Weddings

Artistic Editing Service for Weddings:

We have provided wedding photography and videography service for Syrian bride and groom with their intimate family members, friends and other guests in Southall, West London. 

We went to this wedding with a female photographer and a female videographer because the couple has asked us with this special request mainly for the conveniency to photography the bride's side when the ladies can let their hair down. 

They wanted more privacy because of their religious tradition. So, we always get ourselves ready to provide our best service and fulfil our couples' special enquires and needs.

The beautiful bride told us she used to be a professional fashion model in the UK and she knows how to pose very well and very relax in front of our cameras. May be this is not the best venue with the best service in the world, the photos and videos left a lovely memory for them. We are dedicated to make our couples' dreams come true. We did edited with special care. The couples were very happy. Their wedding ceremony and banquet were held in Saffron D'or, Southall, London.

We wish them have happy married life forever ever after.

Feel free to take a look at their photos and video on our website, Facebook & Vimeo pages.

Thank you

#londonweddings #londonweddingphotographer #SaffronDor #Southall #londonweddingvideographer #londonweddingphotography #Southallweddingphotographer #Southallweddingvideographer #Southallweddingvenue #londonarabianweddings #londonarabianweddingphotographer #londonarabweddingphotographer #londonarabianweddingvideographer #londonarabweddingvideographer #londonweddingvideography #weddingphotographer #weddingvideographer #londonarabweddings #arabicweddinglondon #weddingphotography #weddingvideography #londonarabwedding #arabianwedding #syrianwedding #londonarabianweddingplanner #arabianbride #syrianbrides #arabianweddingdresses #arabbride #arabicweddingrings #arabicweddingdresseslondon #arabbridetobe #syrianbridetobe #arabicweddingfavours #arabicweddingdressuk #arabianbridetobe #arabianbridesmaids #syrianweddingsinger #syrianweddingtraditions #syrianbridesmaids #arabbridesmaids
#UKarabianweddings #UKarabianweddingphotographer #UKarabweddingphotographer #UKarabianweddingvideographer #UKarabweddingvideographer

Greek Orthodox Wedding in West London

Greek Orthodox Wedding in West London:

We served this wedding earlier this Spring during coronavirus pandemic days. We celebrated the day with the beautiful Cypriot Greek bride and stylish Ghanian groom and also their lovely little angels. We have provided them wedding photography and videography services in Shepherd's Bush, London.

We have also did their engagement and family photoshoot and video film in Danson Park, Sidcup, Bexley, South East London, just a month after the lovely bride gave birth to the baby girl.

Their church wedding ceremony was held in St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Shepherd's Bush, a very fascinating place. And their wedding banquet was held in Vuk Banqueting Suite in Gunnersbury.

We have actually learned that the bride's father is a priest in Cyprus and they came to the wedding from their country for make her daughter's wedding blessing in the church and celebrated to the wedding altogether.

Feel free to take a look at our Facebook page and website for their engagement and family shoot and wedding day photos and videos. 
We wish them a happy married life ever after.

Thank you!

#londonnigerianweddings #londonghanians #NigerianinLondon #VukBanquetingSuite #NigeriansinLondon #britishnigerian #britishnigerians #LondonNigerianweddingphotographer #LondonNigerianweddingvideographer #Nigeriansinuk 
#GhanianinLondon #GhaniansinLondon #britishghanian #britishGhanians #LondonGhanianweddingphotographer #LondonGhanianweddingvideographer #Ghaniansinuk 
#Nigerianweddingvideographer #Nigerianweddingphotographer #Cypriotbride #Greekbride #Ghaniangroom #ShepherdsBush #Gunnersbury #DansonPark #Sidcup #Bexley #SouthEastLondon #Ghanianbride #StNicholasGreekOrthodoxCathedral #Gunnersbury #familyphotoshoot #londonweddings #londonweddingphotographer #londonweddingvideographer #londonweddingphotography #londonindianweddings #londonindianweddingphotographer #londonindianweddingvideographer #londonweddingvideography #nigeriancouple #nigeriancouples #nigerianwedding #nigerianweddings #londonnigerianwedding #HolyTrinityBromptonChurch #TheHonourableSocietyoftheInnerTemple