Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Wedding Photography and Videography Service on a Cold, Windy and Rainy Day During Corona-Virus Pandemic Days for a Sweet Hong Kong Couple in Southampton, England

Although we have been doing wedding photography, videography and bridal, bridesmaids & relative hair makeup services for more than 10 years, and have been to so many cities in the UK and Europe, it was our first time to go to Southampton by England’s south coast. This time, we served this friendly, sweet British Hong Kong's bride and groom wedding day, provided them our photography, videography and bridal & bridesmaids hair & makeup service.


This is one of kind wedding story. It was a cold, windy and rainy day during corona-virus pandemic restriction period, however, the atmosphere changed when the groom and his groomsmen arrived for the door game, everything changed. 


Compare to the gloomy weather  outside, we have warmth and happiness in the house. Then we went to another venue for the ceremony and banquet. Their wedding ceremony and western banquet were held in Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Southampton, Chilworth, Hampshire. 

The groom was crying when he was giving his speech. He cannot thank enough the support they have receive over this period of difficult time.  His parents and immediate family couldn't come from Hong Kong to the UK. They did their tea ceremony via virtual meeting app! We seen it the first time and thought how creative this is!

Our lovely couple could only have their western banquet this year. And they are planning to have their Chinese banquet next year. We hope that their Hong Kong family can come over to join them for the Chinese banquet when travel became easier again.

We wish them have a happy married life. We look forward to serving them again in their Chinese wedding banquet next year.

Thank you






聯繫我們: info@foreverlovejourney.com




#Southampton #BritishHongKong #BritishHongKongbride #HongKongbride #HongKongbridegroom #HongKonggroom #DoubletreebyHiltonHotelSouthampton #Chilworth #Hampshire #Chinesebanquet #HongKongfamily #Chineseweddingbanquet #chineseinuk #chineseinlondon #britishchinese #britishbornchinese #britishbornhongkong #britishbornhongkonger #ccil #chinesechurchinlondon #chinesechurchinuk #hongkongchurch  #意大利婚紗照 #科莫湖 #貝拉焦 

#新加坡新人  #新娘妝髮  #貝拉焦 #新娘子 #婚禮 #新人

#婚紗攝影 #婚紗照 #婚紗 #新娘彩妝 #婚禮相簿書 #科莫湖婚紗照

#伴娘 #chineseweddingteaset
























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