Dear couples, We provide wedding photography & wedding videography service in London and other cities in the UK. Please feel free to take a look at our Facebook page and website: Look forward to further discussing your needs. Thank you
Wednesday, 23 March 2022
小資簡約老馬里波恩市政廳婚禮 |Simply Modern & Elegant – Wedding in The Old Marylebone Town Hall

Tower Hotel Wedding

1 daughter, 1 husband, 1 baby on the way & 1 new home

A Warm Winter Wedding

Monday, 21 March 2022
A Short Wedding Celebration with a Friendly British Indian Bride and Groom at Tower Bridge, London, UK
We have provided wedding photography service for a friendly British Indian bride and groom at The Tower Hotel, a 3-min walk from Tower Bridge, London, UK.
It was a shorter wedding celebration for us, it only lasted around 5 to 6 hours. If we compare this with our other big Indian weddings which normally take 2 days to capture, this one perhaps is just as spectacular! The reason is the location. The couple chose Tower Bridge as the background for their couple portraits.
This couple's civil wedding registry and banquet were held in The Tower Hotel, Tower Bridge in central London. They didn't do any traditional style Henna or other traditional Indian ceremony, because they will have the traditional ceremonies in India instead.
We hope they won't be affected from any corona-virus travel restriction and able to celebrate with their love ones.
We are happy to see the couples are getting married in the way they want finally. We are a lot busier than before, but happy to celebrate with them!
We wish them all the best and have a happy married life them ever-after.
Feel free to take a look at their photos, and other highlight & feature videos, live stream clips on our Facebook page, website and Youtube & Vimeo channels.
Thank you
#Mandvo #Mandvoprewedding #Mandvowedding #Southallindians #Sloughindians #BritishIndianbride #TheTowerHotel #mandvoinvitation #Londonindianweddingvenue #mandvoceremony #pithiceremony #mandvodecorations #indianweddingdecorations #indianweddingtraditions #saree #mekhela #mekhelasador #Lehenga #GagraCholi #Odni #Gujarati #indianweddingphotographylondon #indianweddingphotographypricesuk #indianweddingphotographybirmingham #indianweddingphotographeruk #indianweddingphotographyleicester #indianweddingphotographypackages #bestindianweddingphotographersuk #indianweddingphotographyprices #indianweddingphotographycost #LondonSikhweddings #LondonSikhwedding #LondonSikhweddingphotographer #LondonSikhweddingvideographer #Sikhweddingphotos #LondonPunjabweddingvideographer #KadwaPatidarCentre #LondonPunjabweddingphotographer #LondonPunjabweddingvideos #LondonPunjab #LondonPunjabs #Punjab #LondonSikhismweddingvideographer #LondonSikhism #londonasianbrides #londonasianweddings #londonweddingphotographer #londonweddingvideographer #bride2022 #brides2022 #londonweddingphotographer #londonweddingvideographer #bridetobe2022 #2022bridetobe #londonengagementvideographer #iamgettingmarried2022 #londonweddingvideography #2022bride #2022brides #londonindianweddings #indianbridaldress #indianbridesmaids #Londonindianweddingphotography #Londonindianweddingvideography #hennatattoo #henna #britishindian #britishasian #gettingmarriedlondon #britishbornindian #hennaengagement #indianbridesmaidsdress #indianweddingdress #Londonweddingphotographer #indianbride2022 #asianbrides2022 #indianbridetobe2022

Monday, 7 March 2022
Wedding Photography and Bridal Hair & Makeup Service for a Lovely Hong Kong Couple in Marylebone, London, UK

Heidi and Richard Wedding Highlight Video