Dear couples, We provide wedding photography & wedding videography service in London and other cities in the UK. Please feel free to take a look at our Facebook page and website: Look forward to further discussing your needs. Thank you
Saturday, 30 July 2022
Stephens House and Gardens Wedding with Geeky Couple

A Cambridge Elopement

Beddington Park Engagement Shoot

Mandov and Janoi

Friday, 29 July 2022
Wedding Photography and Videography Service for a Sweet British Nigerian Bride and Groom in Archway, North London, UK
We have provided wedding photography and videography service for this sweet British Nigerian bride and groom on their very happy day with their friendly bridal party and groomsmen, family and friends. The couple decided there is no better time to plan a wedding, although the pandemic is still affecting the world. Perhaps love pulls us closer in difficult time. The wedding was held in Archway, North London.
We first met them around 3 years ago and did their fun, casual engagement photo and video shoot in Springfield Park in North-East London. Feel free to take a look at their interview on how their story started first time with us and how they had met each other, how they fell in love and why their love grows stronger everyday. Religion plays a big part in their lives. God have pulled them closer with shared purpose and passion:
Same as our all previous Nigerian traditional weddings which we have done so many times, this wedding was so fun with energetic bridesmaids, groomsmen and all friendly guests.
After their emotional church ceremony, we went to their banquet venue. The beautiful bride has planned a surprise dance for her husband with her sexy and pretty bridesmaids, after the "wedding essentials" - cake cutting, first dance, speeches and all traditional entrance dance. The couple has also planned 2 games during the banquet to get all their guests engaged.
The couple's church ceremony was held in Worship Tabernacle, The Citadel, Archway and their banquet was held in Regency Banqueting Suite, Bruce Grove, Tottenham, North London.
We wish them a happy married life forever. Hope that we can meet them up to take their lovely pregnancy and newborn baby photos in the future.
Feel free to take a look at our Facebook page, Vimeo page and our website to see their more photos.
Thank you
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Wednesday, 27 July 2022
Hailey and Brad Wedding Highlight Video

Tuesday, 26 July 2022
Janice and Michael Pre-Wedding Paris Highlight Video

Monday, 25 July 2022
Wedding Photography Service to British Indian Bride and British Groom for their Jain Marriage Ceremony in Surrey, South East England
We have provided wedding photography service to this beautiful British Indian bride and British groom on their wedding day in Surrey, South East England.
This wedding had another story for the couple, their guests and for us. The wedding was a mixture of white classic style, Indian traditional style and modern barn set up. The groom is a White British and his guests who did not know much about Indian Jain wedding ceremony process like the prayers and blessings. The priest was using both Indian and English to explain the whole process, to get the guests interested.
Their wedding ceremony and banquet were hold in The Barn at Botley Hill, Warlingham, Surrey. This wedding venue is so fascinating for us. It is located in countryside so close to south London. Except the modern glass window wall of the barn, we chose the green valley as the backdrop for their couple portrait photos.
We wish them have happy married life forever ever after.
Feel free to take a look at their photos and video on our website, Facebook & Vimeo pages.
Thank you
#Jainweddingceremony #TheBarnatBotleyHill #Warlingham #internationalcouple #internationalmarriage #intermarriage #transnationalmarriage #internationalbridegroom #indianbrideenglishgroom #EnglishIndianFusionWedding #SikhFusionWedding #IndianFusionWedding #mixedcouple #Interracialmarriage #mixedcouplewedding #Interracialwedding #mixedbridegroom #Interracialbridegroom #Jainism #jaintemple #jaintemplelondon #jainweddingrituals #jainweddingdress #jainweddinginvitationcard #jainweddingvenue #jainweddingphotos #gurdwaratemplelondon #londonasianweddingplanner #indianbrides #asianweddings #indianbride #asianbrides #asiancouple #weddingphotos #weddingphoto #asianbride #hennatattoos #ukindianwedding #londonindians #londonhennaengagement #londonasianweddingphotographer #londonweddings #londonweddingphotographer #londonweddingvideographer #asianweddings #hennaphotographer #londonhenna #weddingphotographer #londonindianvideographer #londonhennavideographer #indianwedding #indianweddings #londonasianweddings #indiancouples #indianweddingphotos #indianweddingvideos #indianweddingphotographer #indianweddingvideographer #henna #hennatattoo #londonindianwedding #londonindianweddings #londonindianweddingphotographer

Friday, 15 July 2022
Pre-Wedding Photography, Videography and Bridal Hair & Makeup Service for a Lovely Chinese Couple in Paris, France
Paris, one of the most beautiful, full of love, cultural and romantic cities in the world. For professional photographers and videographers like us, it is a heaven. We came here again to provide a pre-wedding photography, videography and bridal hair & makeup service. We had a memorable shoot with this stylish, loving and friendly multi-heritage couple from Australia.
This couple is travellers. They came all the way from Australia to Europe to visit some cities and relatives who based in Europe, and they wanted a pre-wedding shoot in Paris before going back to their country. We arrived two days earlier to for another couple's Paris pre-wedding shoot. After that, we met this lovely couple and started our bridal makeup & hair service very early in the morning (around 3am). Our first location is Eiffel Tower. We took some amazing photos and video clips around the tower before going to the others locations: Petit Palais, Pont Alexandre III, Champs-Élysées , Place Colette and Louvre Museum.
We have changed our pretty bride to be's hair and makeup look 3 times during the day. The couple has also changed their outfits. The bride to be had her hair and makeup matching the dresses.
We have been to Paris many times before. Whenever we visit for providing our pre-wedding or/and wedding service to our couples, we see same excitement on their faces. Around these locations, we have also seen many professional photographers taking their couples' romantic pre-wedding or wedding photos especially around Eiffel Tower.
Louvre Museum is always illuminated by the romantic lights every night. We took our couple's romantic intimate photos there with our special lighting equipments.
We have finished our shooting around 11pm in the evening. It was a very long and tiring day for us also for the couple, but it all worths when we see the perfect result.
We wish them all the best and have a happy married life ever-after. Feel free to take a look at their photos, highlight & feature videos and live stream clips on our Facebook page, our website and on our Youtube & Vimeo channel.
Thank you
這對新人是旅行者。他們從澳洲遠道而來歐洲,拜訪親戚和去一些歐洲城市,他們想在回國前在巴黎拍個婚紗照。我們兩天前到達,為另一對新人拍巴黎婚紗攝影。隔日一大早(凌晨 3 點左右)開始為我們的新娘化妝和弄頭髮設計。我們的第一個地點是埃菲爾鐵塔。之後前往其他地點:小皇宮、亞歷山大三世橋、香榭麗舍大街、科萊特廣場和盧浮宮博物館。
我們為漂亮新娘改妝 3 次。男朋友也換了衣服。新娘的髮型和妝容要要與禮服相配。
我們在晚上 11 點左右完成了拍攝。對我們這對夫婦來說,這也是漫長而累人的一天,但當我們看到完美的結果時,這一切都是值得的。
我們祝愿他們一切順利,從此過上幸福的婚姻生活。隨時在我們的 Facebook 頁面、我們的網站以及我們的 Youtube 和 Vimeo 頻道上查看他們的照片、精彩錄像以及直播剪輯。

Monday, 11 July 2022
Elopement Wedding Photography Service for a Friendly British Couple in Cambridge, Eastern England
This is another elopement we have shot. The bride and groom have not told anyone about their wedding except their two best friends (their witnesses). This lovely British couple was getting married in Cambridge Register Office, accompanied by their two friends, and the best man's girlfriend. The town hall looked classic and elegant.
We were with them for roughly 3 hours only, but we had so much fun. This friendly couple has organised a lot of activities, including punting, champagne shower with old classic car trip. Not to mention how nice it was viewing the whole Cambridge town Castle Hill.
We also enjoyed punting with the couple a lot. Luckily we had someone experienced as punter. We took beautiful pictures while sailing along the River Cam. On the boat, we took some shots with the couple and old fancy English famous landmarks - the colleges.
The driver of the classic car is a knowledgeable tour guide. We have learnt so much about Cambridge. What a wonderful history lesson!
Lastly, we came back to the riverside to say goodbye to our lovely couple and friends. It was so good to meet them. And celebrating all these precious moments with them is our honour.
Keep an eye on our Facebook, Vimeo pages and our website for their engagement and wedding photos and videos.
Thank you
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