Dear couples, We provide wedding photography & wedding videography service in London and other cities in the UK. Please feel free to take a look at our Facebook page and website: Look forward to further discussing your needs. Thank you
Monday, 27 February 2023
Shivangni and Luke Wedding Teaser Video

Shivangni and Luke Wedding Teaser Video
We have provided wedding photography and videography service for a gracious Indian Bride and an esquire British groom on their happiest day at Northbrook Park Wedding Venue, Farnham, Surrey, England.
It was our second time at this countryside wedding venue near greenery and river, to provide our wedding service there. The wedding was a traditional Indian wedding, but the couple and their families came from different backgrounds. The bride has Punjabi heritage and the groom has Irish heritage.
We have also provided them with an engagement photography and videography service just a few months before their wedding day.
Feel free to take a look at our links here and watch their love story:
We started our shooting at 8am in the morning when the radiant bride had her Kalire and Haldi ceremony with her close family members. The ceremony room is quite small, which made the shoot a bit more difficult, but we ended up finishing it smoothly.
When the first part ceremony finished the bride went to change her second traditional saree with her hair and makeup artist.
At the same time, we capture the groom's preparation shot. His father and groomsmen helped him to wear his suits, tying his bowtie and his cufflinks. There was a short Indian ceremony for the groomsmen tying a friendship bracelet on the groom's wrist. We were told this bracelet has to be worn throughout the whole day.
We went back to the bridal suite and were surprised by the Bollywood film star's type of makeup. We learnt that the main makeup artist is actually an educator. She teaches other makeup artists, works in movie sets and gives models tutorials about etiquette and poses. The bride looked radiant and we both agreed she looked like a movie star in a Bollywood film. The photos look spectacular with amazing saree which flatter her beautiful eyes.
Finally, we witnessed the groom's entrance and the grand bride's entrance. The family members and close friends gave them blessings and we were glad we had a chance to take photos with them. The guests who joined the wedding are all fun-loving people too. At the party, we watched how they danced and really enjoyed it.
After the ceremony, the couple had their civil ceremony in a separate room for signing the documents. Then, we finally had 20-30mins to finish their couple portraits with the mandap. It was a romantic and emotional time for them. Nightfall peaked in without us noticing. We had to run for the couple entrance shot.
The couple had a rather western style banquet, but Indian food was on the menu. We shot their cake cutting, speeches, first dance, also guest party dance, and their bridesmaids' and groomsmen' special performance dance which looked so special for the couple.
At the end of the day, we took some more couple portraits with the beautiful, romantic fairy light in the venue. We have also taken some photos for the groom's daughter with her guitar.
We wish them a happy married life ever after. We hope that we will be able to give them our another service when the bundle of joy comes.
Feel free to take a look at their photos and videos on our website, Facebook & Vimeo pages.
Thank you
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Sunday, 26 February 2023
Veronica and Robin Wedding Highlight Video

Tuesday, 21 February 2023
Chinese Mix British Style Wedding Photography and Videography Service for Hong Kong Bride and British Groom in London, UK

Friday, 17 February 2023
Classic Wedding Photography and Videography Service in South London, UK
We have provided wedding photography and videography service for a friendly couple and their beautiful two sons on their very merry wedding day in South London.
This is another Covid wedding story for us. The couple has waited a year for the government to relax Covid restriction. Then the year after, the priest in the church they wanted to get married in passed away due to Covid. They can finally get married after the church found an other priest. After 3 and half years, we have provided them our service.
We have also provided them a short two hours but full of love and intimate engagement photography and videography service in Beddington Park, Wallington a few months before the wedding.
Feel free to take a look at their engagement story how to began here our Vimeo and Facebook pages also website:
The wedding was so fun, and the couple was very easy to work with. Their cute 8 years old son helped us especially during his beautiful mom and father romantic couple photo & video shoot.
Their ceremony registration was held in Holy Cross RC Church, Carshalton in South London and their banquet was held in The Grange Restaurant, Wallington, the place where we provided them our engagement service. This nice restaurant is located inside Beddington Park with a large car park and a good view of the park.
We wish them a very happy married life and a happy family ever after.
Feel free to take a look at our Facebook, Vimeo page and our website for their engagement and wedding photos & video.
Thank you
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Saturday, 11 February 2023
Margaret and Ernest Wedding Highlight Video

Tuesday, 7 February 2023
Pre-Wedding, Wedding and Post-Wedding Photography, Videography and Hair & Makeup Service in London, in the United Kingdom and Europe for more than 10 Years
Dear couples, we have been providing our pre-wedding, wedding and post-wedding (honeymoon, family portraits, maternity portraits) photography, videography and hair & makeup service in London and other cities in the United Kingdom, Europe and beyond for more than 10 years.
We have forgotten how many different cities we have provided our services in with our lovely couples. But, we never forget every couple is so important to us no matter if it was an elopement, intimate wedding or big wedding we shot.
We will keep doing our best and be enthusiastic treating every couples as our first couple we served, and also show our professionalism with years of experience shooting pre-weddings, weddings and post weddings.
Keep an eye on our works. More photos, videos are coming!
Thank you
親愛的準新人,我們一直在英國倫敦、歐洲及其他城市提供我們的婚紗、婚禮和婚後(蜜月、全家福、孕婦照)攝影、攝像和彩妝服務,已超過 10 年。
我們已經忘記了我們和我們可愛的新人到過多少個不同的城市提供服務。 但是,我們永遠不會忘記每一對新人對我們來說都是如此重要,無論他們有的是二人婚禮、親密婚禮還盛大婚禮。
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Monday, 6 February 2023
Pre-Wedding Photography, Videography and Bridal Hair & Makeup Service in Palermo, Sicily, Italy
Here is Castellammare del Golfo, a lovely seaside town located one hour away from Palermo, Sicily. It is an attractive seaside historical town. We came to this beautiful town to provide our pre-wedding photography, videography and bridal & hair makeup service for Singaporean bride to be and Malaysian groom to be on a warm sunny day.
The couple's family actually lives there, so they wanted to capture some memory to show their parents before their wedding day in Singapore. It was also the bride-to-be's birthday. It makes the shoot extra special.
We have started our service around 4am with bridal hair styling and grooming for the groom.
We didn't miss the sunrise for our photo and video shoot. It is always good to have low soft light in the shots, as this avoid harsh shadow on the subjects, especially when it comes to the look the couple wants to achieve. At dawn, there are also lesser people on the street, and also cooler weather, which contributes to a smooth photo shoot.
Although, we were planning for a 6 hour shoot with the couple, we ended up provided 4 hours service because of the weather on the sea. It was windy and not too suitable for boat trip. We ended up just taking some shots by the pier with the boat, however, the result looks pretty amazing already.
The town is quite small we couldn't find so many spots to do our photography and videography, but thanks to the years of experience, we have done our best job, and the couple loved the result.
We have also done an interview with the couple when we were on the boat. It makes the video looks more alive with love story. Who doesn't move by love story? May this memory always be recorded, enabling them to watch it over and over again.
We wish them a very happy married life and a happy family ever after.
Feel free to take a look at our Facebook, Vimeo page and our website for their pre-wedding photos & video.
Thank you
這裡是 Castellammare del Golfo,一個距離西西里島的巴勒莫一小時車程的可愛海濱小鎮。這是一個迷人的海濱歷史名鎮。我們來到這個美麗的小鎮,在溫暖的陽光下為新加坡新娘和馬來西亞新郎提供我們的婚前攝影、攝像以及新娘和頭髮化妝服務。
我們在凌晨 4 點左右開始為新郎及新娘提供髮型設計和彩妝服務。
雖然,我們計劃與這對夫婦進行 6 小時的拍攝,但由於海上天氣,我們最終提供了 4 小時的服務。風很大,不太適合乘船遊覽,我們只好改變原定計劃。我們最後只是乘船在碼頭拍了一些照片,然而,結果看起來已經相當不錯了。
請隨時查看我們的 Facebook、Vimeo 頁面和我們的網站,查看他們的婚紗照片和錄像。
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